upcoming . . .

upcoming . . .


featured screenplays . . .

featured screenplays . . .


screenwriting is

a literary art-form

I see my aesthetic mirrored in the SoCal desert in which I was raised—a gritty cinema in shades of brown, seemingly serene, expansive, a type of Suburban Daylight Gothic, wherein the lowly are lifted high and the fractal cactus flower blooms.

In the distance is an oasis, casting memorable characters in life-or-death situations and using the subtleties of art, champion cautionary, Neo-noir, Neo-western, neoclassical allegories.

i now consider the screenwriter a cartographer of human learning

And what would we learn without themes of suffering and redemption? My writing is hammered and sharpened by both. And as I’ve become more specialized in screenwriting, I’ve truly fallen in love with the process.

in 2017, i was accepted into the Dramatic Writing MFA program at USC

in 2020, i was accepted into the Professional Program in Screenwriting at UCLA

future screenplays

. . .

future screenplays . . .


brother, you’re always gettin

as the grass grows

and the water runs

day: 200

all is puddle

machete peace-building